Process Sentry terms of Sales
1. General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Process Sentry
By accessing this website, you agree to the website’s disclaimer. Additionally, you agree that you are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. Thus, the material contained in this website is protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.
Website Owner of Process Sentry :
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE SAS, registers in Montpellier (France) under the number : 905228805 (SIREN).
Process Sentry Contact :
Website hosted at OVH company
2. Use licence of Process Sentry
The content of this site is governed by French law.
Access to the website gives the user a private and non-exclusive right to use this site.
The use of the services implies unreserved acceptance of the conditions described below.
3. Content of the site
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE reserves the right to delete, modify or add information made available on this site at any time and for any reason without notice.
The user acknowledges having been informed that this website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties inherent in the structure of communication networks or technical difficulties.
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE is authorized to interrupt the website without prior notification for maintenance purposes.
4. Intellectual property
The general structure as well as the software, texts, animated or fixed images, sounds, know-how and any other component of the website remain the property of ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE. The user has the authorization to consult the data for personal and non-commercial purposes, which excludes any commercial exploitation at a local, national or international level.
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE reminds Internet users that no logo, text, sound, graphic or image available on the site may be in whole or in part, copied, reproduced, modified, published, sent, broadcast, transmitted or distributed by any means whatsoever. or without his prior written permission. Any reproduction of all or part of this site without express authorization from ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE is strictly prohibited and would constitute an act of infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
5. Links
The pages of this website contain links to other sites or from other sites. ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE cannot guarantee the content of said websites and cannot be held liable for any damage, whatever its nature, resulting from the use of their content. Links to other websites are provided for informational purposes only.
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE cannot be held responsible for the existence and content of links from other websites to its own site.
Visitors and users of this site may not set up a hypertext link pointing to this site without having previously obtained express authorization from ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE.
6. Responsibility
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE declines all responsibility in the event of direct or indirect damage whatsoever resulting from an interruption or a malfunction, whatever the causes, or in the event of direct or indirect damage whatever whether it derives in any way from a connection to the site. The connection of any person to the website is their own responsibility.
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE makes every effort to provide its visitors with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its site. . The information is provided by ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE exclusively for information purposes. ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and updating of the information made available on its site. Consequently, the visitor acknowledges that the use of said information is exclusively his own responsibility.
7. Protection of personal data
ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE may collect personal data in the context of sending newsletters as well as for commercial purposes in the contact section of the site. The personal data collected will be kept for a period of five years.
In accordance with article 32 of the amended law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, the visitor has a right to access, modify and delete data concerning him (articles 39 and 40 of the amended law relating to data processing, files and freedoms). The visitor can avail himself of this right by contacting the IT department in writing at the following address:
8. Applicable law according to Process Sentry terms and conditions
Any complaint relating to the ACS DIGITAL SOFTWARE website is governed by the laws of the State of France, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.